

帕蒂·库姆斯 送上复活节的祝福,祝她一切安好.

帕特·休伊特 sent the message for everyone to please stay safe and hold our Father’s hand because He has this.

 乔伊斯·泰斯 我写道:约翰和我将留在原地.  这是一件好事,我们仍然喜欢对方,时间过得很快.  我们决心保持忙碌,而不是整天看电视.  As I still have my business, it is never a dull moment in dealing with staff and clients.  我们的员工都很棒,非常渴望继续在家工作.  我们每天早上和下午都有Zoom的电话会议.  一开始, the calls were established to have some accountability but we have quickly learned that their real purpose is socialization.  The need to connect with others is something that we have all taken for granted for years.  Families come in many different form年代和 I am very grateful for all the personal connections that we have built over the years. 在上帝的帮助下, we will survive this terrible ordeal and it is my hope that we will continue to be more prayerful, 更善良、更有爱心的人. 祝福你,平平安安.

 I received the good word that others were doing well too when I received Mother’s Day responses from 金妮Bagby, 黛安·曼, 露比·林恩·巴恩斯年代和 琳达·爱德华兹. It is so good that we can stay in contact and learn about the well being of our classmates. 在失去亲人后得到积极的回应,这是特别伟大的 曼迪·哈伯德·塞奇威克 还在我们心中鲜活. 我很感激 卡罗尔·阿姆斯特朗 看到了这个消息,把它传递给我们,即使它是悲伤的分享. 把这个消息告诉你,我当然很难过 卡罗尔·鲁斯温 然后是我们其他的同学.

 我们的许多同学都在祈祷 丽贝卡·克鲁格的妹妹, 瑞秋 来自科克1965年的班级.  So, it was a thankful time when Rebecca sent news that 瑞秋 had undergone successful surgery and found a Rehab facility near her son in Greenville. 凯悦布兰德 给他们发了一个建议,试图帮助他们寻找.

 金妮Bagby replied to let us know: “ Jack and I are in isolation due to his health risk because of his lung lymphoma.  We are staying busy with our church sewing ministry of making face masks as requested by our large medical community.  我们正处在一个非常奇怪的时代……..但上帝允许这样做肯定是有目的的. 我相信很多人, many hearts are turning to HIM as believers are shining His light and His love into the world around them.”

 珍妮史密斯 他给我们发来这样的消息:我和迪克都很好,我们的家庭也很好. 事实上,我们很喜欢留在布拉夫顿. 南希·贝克·贝尔 (1968届毕业生)和我很喜欢参观(当然是保持社交距离). She and her husband are sheltering in place for much of the week here on Estill Beach Circle also. 除了,  我花了很多时间在我们的小院子里种菜, 除草, 移植, 和报告. We have a bluebird nesting box and it has been so much fun for Dick and me to watch the bluebird pair busily raising four babies. 谢天谢地,科技让我们与家人保持联系. Face Timing with the grandchildren is not like actually being in the same room with them, of course. I am part of a Bible study via Zoom on Thursday afternoons led by our minister’s wife and a Zoom prayer group on Friday mornings.. 我继续散步锻炼身体,边走边听有声读物. 谁能想到我们会生活在这样一个时代. 对很多人来说,这是一个非常非常糟糕的情况. 我们比以往任何时候都更能面对“人需要主”和“因为他活着”. 为你们的安全祈祷,我亲爱的同学,珍妮

 安妮Blomeyer 在四月底分享了这些甜蜜的想法:我们在家里. 自3月8日以来,你是否只出门8次, for supplie年代和 grocerie年代和 including trips to the post office to ship for my business. And we don’t plan to increase our frequency of leaving home until a miracle occur年代和 we start getting adequate testing availability and much better daily results with new cases. 与此同时, 我们越来越擅长三维拼字游戏(向上), 通过各种各样的电视节目修复/更新老房子, 在阳台上观察住在我们周围公园里的鹰. 鲍勃又退休了!, 1月中旬. The timing was like a miracle because we got him moved out of the rental duplex in Livingston, 休斯顿附近, 他断断续续练习了10年了, 还能捐出多余的厨房用品, 床上用品, 他的工作服, 等.在病毒说"呆在家里"之前!” Otherwise, we’d be climbing over all that excess stuff going from the kitchen to the bedroom! 你们有些人知道我亲爱的父亲去世了, 在患有阿尔茨海默病多年之后, 1月中旬, (when I was in the middle of chairing the finals of the Juanita Miller Concerto Competition for the Texas Association for Symphony Orchestras, 一年一度的全州9-12年级学生音乐家比赛.不用说,在大部分的决赛中,我的大脑似乎都脱离了我的身体! 1月下旬,我终于开始了悲伤的过程. 和你们所有人一样,我也在为我们的同学, 曼迪·哈伯德·塞奇威克. Thank you all who have been in contact and those who have sent air-wave thought年代和 prayers in this crazy time. 我希望每个人都安全,与他们的家人和朋友一起. 希望下次同学聚会能见到你! 最后一场很棒,不是吗? 但我们非常想念那些无法到场的人!

 玛丽·梅里特·本森 听起来她总是兴高采烈的样子. 她表达了这是她9年来最好的感觉! On March 6 she had the removal of the eye in which she had the retinal melanoma and is so thankful she made that decision. She says we need to have another reunion; she is “Reunion Ready”. You may recall she was not able to join us for the reunion because of the distortion and discomfort the eye was causing.

 盖尔·沃雷尔·汤森 recently had a visit with her oncologist in Wilmington and had been given the news that everything was clear! It is such good news to hear she continues to get these good reports concerning her lung cancer. 当我和她交谈时,她很喜欢和她的几个孙子保持联系, 因为日托所关门了. 她总共有6个孩子,4个男孩,2个女孩!

 Libut豪泽 对动物有恻隐之心. 她在院子里照顾鸟儿时,得知附近住着一只猫. As it turned out she brought the cat in and later discovered she was pregnant and the result was 6 kittens. Since she did not feel the animal shelter could take care of them as well as she, she still has them. 她说这不是故意的——她不是猫夫人! 她还有两只狗,她一直很照顾它们. 利布特说:“洗手,戴上口罩,保持健康.”

 尽管 黛博拉·艾伦·弗鲁曼 did not graduate with our class, she still considers herself one of our classmate年代和 we do too! 她祝愿大家身体健康. Here is another email or gmail address for her if you can not reach her at the one on our class list: v.deborah@gmail.com.

 弗兰基沃森 shared that she and Chip have plans to move to Summerville to be near their son and family. 我们将期待有关这些计划的更多消息.  

 康妮·布洛克—— 亲爱的同学们,祝你们每一个人都好! 据我们所知,我们的家人都很好. 我们正和儿子斯科特一起去山区度假, 儿媳塔米和我们的孙子杰克和亚当. 自从斯科特3月10日生日后,我们就再也没有和他们在一起过. 吉姆和我已经准备好亲自去见他们了. Tammy who is a nurse at the hospital is planning to be tested before we leave to be sure all is good. She has been concerned that she doesn’t cause any germs to be carried to us especially since Jim has COPD. 他在用吸入器,情况很好. 他仍然继续工作,推迟退休. 他现在仍然喜欢让那个公司求婚. He seems to be gradually making preparation for when he will retire his business though. It is wonderful news to receive that we have secured a President for our 博彩平台推荐! 我很高兴我们现在有了第一位女总统. 我期待着她的领导. 祝大家平安健康,保持联系! 许多祝福!

卡罗琳·麦卡琴·格雷森 我和我的家人都很好,我们感谢上帝让我们身体健康. Our oldest granddaughter Grayson Caroline Copeland is graduating from high school this year. We hope that they will be able to have some sort of graduation ceremony in May (maybe a drive-by at the football stadium or something similar). 我们为她感到骄傲. 她计划进入弗朗西斯马里昂大学学习护理专业. 然后,希望能拿到儿科医师助理的学位. 愿上帝保佑你们,保佑你们平安. “For He shall give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways” Psalm 91:11 

April Garnier Poitras12月9日,我和乔庆祝了我们结婚50周年纪念日.20, 2019! We celebrated by inviting our son年代和 their families to a large cabin in the hill country of TX. 我们和3个孙子,分别是3岁、7岁和10岁,玩得很开心. 我们的家人做了所有的烹饪. 我们的一个儿子制作了一张我们在一起的岁月的照片/音乐DVD. 我们还去葡萄牙和西班牙旅游了一个月. 也和当地的朋友一起庆祝. We were glad to visit Austin for our granddaughter’s 4th birthday in March right before stay at home orders. I miss playing pickleball twice a week and miss friends at church; we have Sunday School via Zoom and services are on line. 我最想念的是我们在奥斯汀、德克萨斯州、新泽西州和佛罗里达州的家人. 希望我们能尽快安全旅行! 很高兴去年我们举办了第50届库克同学会.

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